
initial phasing

Whilst we were working on our projects in Peterhead, IMO (the International Maritime Organisation) published a new set of regulations for security in ports, called the ISPS-code.

According to this code, fishing vessels are exempt from the code, whilst other commercial trading has to comply. As a result, it seemed apparent that Peterhead harbour which is today a mixture of uses, would have to segregate fisheries-related areas from areas related to other shipping activites.

Bearing in mind current reduction in fish quotas, the on-shore area needed to service fishing vessels is likely to be reduced in size. Likewise, the North Sea oil industry will not last forever either, hence the area allocated for this activity may also be reduced in the future.

The above animated diagram show how areas are divided for different trades (fisheries brown, other shipping green), as well as reduction in areas needed for the two in the future. Proposed areas for the North Sea Exploration Heritage centre is shown in red, with housing in yellow and associated planting in green. Routes open to the public is shown in white, with wiewpoints indicated as arrows.

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